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Saturday, July 15, 2006


Share those pictures!!

Welcome back to Canada all Week 1 Holiday Hereos! Now that you are home, lets start sharing photos with each other! This is the link to the Hero Holiday photo group: If you were on Hero Holiday please join Flickr and upload your pictures. Then use the "organize" menu in your flickr account to add photos to the Hero Holiday group. You will also be able to use this group to stay in touch and have discussions with other Hereos.

Hello! Jillian P... thanks for sharing your pics with us! I was hopeing to catch a glimpse of my Heather... but no...

Sure hope more of you week 1 Hero's will post your pics soon... I can't wait to see them!

I'm anxiously awaiting a call from Heather H... to tell me all went well today in Haiti... hopefully soon!

Where is everyone... it's very quiet on her today!

Much love
Cheryl, Heather H's Mom, Fall River, NS
A big thank you to Jillian P for the photos. My daughter Kristin is in one of them so you made this mom's day - she's still there for another week. Looking forward to more pictures.
Lorna MacGregor, London Ontario
helloo everyone, it's sandra. I didn't know who to write to so i figured all of you in the dominican would be best. i am home from the first week of hero holiday and now i dont know what to do with myself. i feel like i should be there still. this whole lifestyle that we get to come back to feels like a joke. i am missing everyone so much, please give all the kids that you meet extra love for me. i want sooo much just to be there with them still to hug all of them so tight. and if you meet a little boy named gerry at the school, give him a hug for me. i am counting the days until i can be back there again. absolute, and crystal, i think you are amazing for putting this together. honestly, i know my life wont ever be the same again. thank youu
Wow, the pix are awsm. I have2get my developed..can't wait 2c everyone's on here.

I just got home last night, it was a long trip back..but I am soooo going crazy missing the Dominican.

You would not believe what a shock it has been to come back to Canada. I need to hold on to every little bit of the Dominican that I can.

My life will never be the same. All of you still over there please love those people with allllll that you have, dont be shy, reach out to them and show them all the dignity, respect and loooove that you can.

Have fun with the locals and working with everyone, they are amazing down there and I will never forget them.

I pray that their faces will never fade in my heart. My heart is in the Dom REp and I am prayin 4 all of you still over there and all of REPUBLICANA DOMINICAN*
HELLO! ok guys, my camera broke like the second day of hero holiday, so anyone in group Cor perhaps B at times, could you all post your pictures? Actually, all you you, Groups A, B and C. Thank you.
Erin Garbutt
Hello Andrew and Danica, We are enjoying the pictures and comments from the first week heros and can only imagine what you are experiencing this week. I hope you are keeping your journals up to date. You know that you will have to share and try to find words to describe your experience to us. Andrew, Cam is doing Dr. Winburns lawn for you. We love you, and keep safe.
It's Jordyn, (with a Y) from week two~
I'm going to be sure to add ALL of my picture and my videos so you can see them. ^-^

I've only been home one day, and i'm gonna MISS YOU ALL.
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